Hospice-Veteran Partnerships

“Ensuring Excellent Care for Our Nation’s Veterans”

Hospice-Veteran Partnerships (HVPs) are coalitions of community hospices, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities, end-of-life care and community organizations, and others working together to ensure that excellent care at the end of life is available for our nation’s Veterans and that support is available for their families. These partnerships can be community based or statewide and may function independently or within an existing structure. The national HVP program is a joint effort of the VA Hospice and Palliative Care Program and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. 24/7 Care At Home has been recognized as a leader in the community as a level three partner with We Honor Veterans program.

Why form HVPs?

VA and community providers can work together to:

  • Improve Veterans’ access to hospice and palliative care and transitions across care settings;
  • Ensure every Veteran is able to receive hospice care at the time and place of need;
  • Strengthen the relationships between community hospices and VA facilities; and
  • Initiate comprehensive end-of-life community engagement plans designed to reach Veterans.


What is an HVP and why is collaboration important?

  • Coalitions of multiple hospices and palliative care providers form partnerships with VA facilities and programs.
  • HVP members collaborate with each other to improve end-of-life care for Veterans.
  • HVP members share information with each other about the services they provide and how Veterans can access them, and how to resolve issues related to referral and reimbursement.
  • HVP members educate each other and share resources to increase their Veteran-specific knowledge and skills.


Who should be a member of HVP?

Members of an HVP might include: State Hospice Organizations; community hospices; VA facilities; State Veterans Homes; Veterans Service Organizations; Veterans; military hospitals; established end-of-life coalitions, and other national and community organizations interested in improving care through the end of life for Veterans.

Why partner with other hospices through an HVP?

  • More than 1,800 Veterans die every day in this country and the vast majority of them die in the community; this means that every hospice is probably caring for Veterans.
  • Given that the ratio of VA facilities to hospice agencies is about 1:32, most community hospices and VA staff do not have one-on-one relationships with each other.
  • HVPs offer the most efficient and effective way to serve Veterans and meet their needs at the end of life.
  • HVPs facilitate communication, collaboration and coordination of care and benefits for Veterans across VA and community care settings.


What are some HVP activities?

  • Conduct community outreach educational programs for Veterans’ groups.
  • Hold joint local and statewide educational events related to providing hospice in the community, the VA healthcare system, Veterans’ benefits, and Veteran-specific clinical issues.
  • Establish networks of mentors and experts to assist with staff and program development.
  • Develop speakers’ bureaus for outreach activities to Veterans service organizations, community agencies, and VA facilities.


Please contact Ms. Aubrey Calderon at (714) 489-3337 or aubrey.calderon@247cah.com for more information.