Veteran to Veteran Program

Why  is it Important to have Volunteers Targeted Specifically for Veterans?

  • Potential for better match of patients and volunteers based on similar areas of interest and background
  • People who have common life experiences  usually begin to trust each other. Trust with Veterans who have PTSD is especially difficult to establish.
  • Veterans can form a camaraderie that can penetrate their civilian social roles. Matching branch of service or time of service is ideal, but not required .
  • The culture of stoicism & societal reactions can discourage Veterans from sharing their war experiences. Trained volunteers can learn how to create a safe, emotional environment for their comrades
  • When one Veteran talks to another, stoicism and secrecy may dissolve (or, detrimentally reinforced!)
  • Veterans share a common language; code of conduct and honor; own culture
  • Sharing supports life review and healing

All volunteers will be provided with training and support to ensure that they are well prepared prior to any patient visits. At the end of the training, volunteers will be able to:

  • Describe why it is important to improve our knowledge and understanding of Veteran’s needs
  • Describe how we can best meet the needs of Veterans and their loved ones
  • List four unique issues that Veterans may face at the end of life

As a Veteran volunteer…

  • Assist Veterans in Reminiscing/ Telling Life Stories , including their military story

–      Listen as patient reminisces

–      Record/ videotape patient’s life story

–      Produce a Memory Book or a CD/ DVD

–      Assist Veteran in connecting with the Veteran History Project at

  • Call or visit Veterans on Veterans Day and Memorial Day

–      Visit Veterans in their homes, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities or hospitals and VA programs

–      Veteran volunteers might consider wearing their uniform and take part in the ceremony

–      Volunteers could distribute certificates for Veterans Day

–      Children could make Veteran Day cards for distribution

  • Assist patients with grocery shopping
  • Just being there as a friend

–      Listening to stories

–      Being someone they can vent to

How to become a volunteer…

  • Please contact Ms. Aubrey Calderon at (714) 489-3337 or for more information.