
A Time To Remember – 2018

Mar 31, 2018
24/7 Care At Home would like to give thanks to all those involved in making the 7th Annual A Time To Remember, in honor of our loved ones, a memorable day.

24/7 Care At Home would like to give thanks to all those involved in making the 7th Annual A Time To Remember, in honor of our loved ones, a memorable day. Thanks to all who attended and helped make the ceremony so meaningful, especially the continued support from our Community. A huge thank-you goes to our guest speakers, the venerable Thien Tue from Pho Linh Temple, Ms. Cecile Pinon and Mrs. Kim Chi Do – their speeches left everyone moved and touched. Last but not least, thank you all reporters from SBTN, Viễn Đông Daily News and Little Saigon TV (LSTV) for covering our event.