
Good in all Things

Apr 22, 2024
This lovely gentleman has been on our program. He celebrated his 107th birthday with us on 7/17/17. We enjoyed cake, love and lots of stories.

This lovely gentleman has been on our program. He celebrated his 107th birthday with us on 7/17/17. We enjoyed cake, love and lots of stories.
His native country is Vietnam and was the mayor in his city for 5 years. He attributes his long life to his positive attitude and always finding the good in all. He has seen much loss. There is good in all things you must look for it. He was surrounded by family and friends on this special day and grateful for his life and his experiences.

Submitted by: Niece Nardini 24/7 Care at Home

Souce: https://moments.nhpco.org/gallery/good-all-things